

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Corona Virus Social Distancing

I'm starting this series of posts because the world as we know it may be coming to a turning point.
A new virus is now a pandemic. The response from the government is not adequate for what is coming. I hope I'm wrong.

Things are beginning to look serious with the Covid-19 pandemic. Some things are closing down but it is haphazard at best. Without a vaccine or even reliable medicine to combat the virus, I'm led to expect high numbers of deaths. We should probably shut everything down to stop the spread but that would ruin the economy.

I went out diving with my friends at ScubaTyme Charters. We were only 4 divers. We hit two reefs off Hillsboro Beach. I was hunting lobster and came back with two keepers. The others I caught were too short or had eggs.

Hillsboro Lighthouse
It looks like this will be my last chance to dive for quite some time.

The restrictions around the Corona Virus pandemic closed the beaches as well as all the commercial dive operators in Florida. This will probably destroy some operators.

We'll see how this goes.
Feeling good.
Jersey Pork Roll sandwich from Dandee Donut